Happy Father's Day!

I beleive most of u did not know when is father's day right? Even mother's day also did not know when. Kalau tau bila dua2 event ni pn ingt bulan je kan. Kalau mother's day bln May then bln jun father's day. Well, biasalah tu. Kalau korg suma nk tau tarikh sebenar Hari Bapa adalah 21 Jun manakala Hari Ibu adalah 10 May. So lps ni korg ingt ok tarikh ni. Jgn ingt Valentines day dgn Halloween je. Dua2 tu jgn celebrate. Since ada skang still lom lps Hari Bapa lg I just want to wish all fathers in Malaysia, Happy Father's Day..To my father, u just have been a great dad. You are really patient to raised all your sons until we success in our life. U are still strong and still manage to do the tough work such as gardening even though you're age is around 60's. Plus, u are still working just to raised me until I complete my study.

I know, u are really hardworking person in fact u study until u get philosphy docterate (phd) from USA. Really proud to have dad with that phd which I can't imagine how do u study starts from diploma, degree, masters and lastly phd. After u complete u're study, u become a lecturer from 1 university to another university. Not to forget u also used to be a dean. Now dad is a senior vice president. My dad's career begins in UTM as lecturer then move to UNITEN, Bangi as a Dean and also as provost in UNITEN, Muadzam Shah, Pahang. After that he become a lecturer in Cosmopoint then he move to Lim Kok Wing University Creative College and lastly move to KLIUC which also known as ikram college and becoming senior vice president. My father have a good career after he complete his study in phd.

After a long time working in UNITEN, he was given Prof Madya or in English known as Associate Professor. This is really great honour to my father which is worth of what he has done for himself. All my three brothers have graduated from university and now they become a father(my third brother will be a father soon). For this year, there's nothing I can give as a present for u. I just only waiting to complete my study and my graduation day next year in 2010(Insyallah). Since i'm the yougest among my brothers, I did not ask anything much from u. I just hoping that u stay healthy and hopefully u and mom going to see me graduate next year.

A pic of my parents. This pic was taken last year(2008) during their wedding anniversary celebration.

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