Joanna & Co.

Joanna & Co is an independent group which which was popular with their hits single, aku pelangi. The vocalist of the group Joanna Renisa has a very nice vocal (I think she is cute too. hehe :P) and the new single, Lutsinar still keep playing on the radio right now. These two songs(aku pelangi and lutsinar) are really suits with the vocalist since her voice is soft and the group members really knows what is the best for her.

I am not really a big fan of this group actually but I just want to make an introduction of the independent group that I like since everybody knows only Hujan, Meet Uncle Hussain and Bunkface. I also like these 3 groups but there are many more independent group that was form in Malaysia.

Which independent group do you think that I will reveal next? Well, just wait for the next post everybody and enjoy all these Joanna & co video or songs down here. The new songs like huru-hara and cerita biasa were played by them during their jamming session(sorry for the bad sound from this video). I still waiting this two new song to be play on the radio. Really great to hear these songs :P

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